To ensure that everything runs smoothly, we have compiled the most important information, what you must take note of before an appointment with us, and how the treatment process will pan out. If you have any further questions, you can contact us at any time.
Treatment process
Your visit to our center
What you should keep in mind if you need us.
This is how our treatment works:
Booking an appointment
- We will contact you once we have received a message from your doctor.
- You are also welcome to ring us on +41 44 360 80 70.
Confirming an appointment
- Once your appointment has been confirmed, we will send you a questionnaire, which you can also download from the Data Library.
- Please remember your health insurance card.
- Preliminary findings, including blood group card, are also important if you have them.
- We also need your medication plan, which should detail any herbal supplements, dietary supplements, and hormonal contraception you are taking.
The appointment itself
- Please consume a light breakfast or lunch. You should not come to your appointment on an empty stomach.
- You are welcome to drink coffee, black tea, or green tea.
- Please avoid drinking alcohol the day before the blood is taken.
- Do not smoke within an hour of your appointment.
- In the case of clarifying a bleeding tendency: Do not take any aspirin or medicines containing aspirin in the five days running up to the blood test, and do not take any pain relief medication such as diclofenac or ibuprofen three days before the blood test. Warning: Please speak to us and/or your doctor first if you are on long-term treatment with aspirin.
- A meeting will be arranged with Dr. Stelzer-Braun or Professor Hellstern.
- The blood test will follow.
- We will arrange an appointment for the next check-up, if necessary.
After the appointment
- We will send you and the referring physician, or the cc recipient, a medical report.
- We can provide you with an interim report by telephone, email, or fax, if necessary.
- Emergency ID, where applicable, prescription for you.